Sunday, April 26, 2020

Kitchen Sink Birding

Wheatear, Colyton, 26/04/2020 (Copyright TD Wright)

Today was one of the best days of lockdown! I saw some blogworthy birds without leaving the flat; from my kitchen window, no less! I heard a major kerfuffle from the gulls but could only see Common Buzzards, albeit 12 of them, in a large kettle rising to the west of Colyton. Lots of gulls and corvids with them so maybe there had been some good feeding opportunity over there. Flying through my binocular view were several House Martins which was great as over Bridge Marsh yesterday the swarm of Sand Martins and Swallows didn't contain any House Martins.
    Incredibly, the best bird of all was closer than all of these. I've seen Black Redstart on the Colyton rooftops before but this was my first ever 'urban' Colyton Wheatear! It performed alongside the House Sparrows and Goldfinches for half an hour. Very nice.
      Belated News From Last Sunday (19th) - I saw a distant raptor last week which I couldn't make up my mind about. I only have poor pics but here's a couple of them to peruse if you have the inclination. I just thought the jizz of this bird was not like the usual Buzzards. Therefore it could have been something unusual but I couldn't even string it as anything definite. If anybody wants to comment on it, feel free...
Raptor species, near Colyton 19/04/2020

Raptor species, near Colyton 19/04/2020 (Copyright TD Wright)

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