Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Serin Heat

Serin, Seaton 05/02/2020 (Copyright T D Wright)
    It's got so cold in my flat (now that my last storage heater has packed up) that being outside seems infinitely preferable to wasting electricity on a noisy fan heater. Also, we actually got some calm weather and sunshine this week. So, when Steve Waite said he'd had a Serin along Riverside Way I felt justified in making a detour in the probably vain hope of seeing it. To my amazement, the moment I arrived by the patch of rough ground it visits it flew in! Luckily, the chap I was talking to was quite tall so I had to look up to converse with him. Otherwise, the tiny brown streaky finch may have eluded us when it piled into a weedy bank and quietly set about foraging...
Serin, Seaton 05/02/2020(Copyright T D Wright)

      It's not very often we get a rare passerine found in February here so well done Steve for bringing us all some cheer in the bleak midwinter. I'm surprised that it seems to have disappeared again though. Where is it now? It can't have gone far, surely? Perhaps it heard a storm was coming and headed for warmer climes!?

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